Before I was lost, had no idea what mattered to me
I was going through the motions of what I thought I should be doing, felt guilty for the smallest bits of joy I had created for myself & cared too much what others thought of me.
Paul Mort is an incredible coach, a life saver & life changer.
He will likely never realised how much of an impact he has had in my life & also the lives of the people I have in my life, (sister, nephews, parents, friends, the next guy I choose to have in my life)
Since I've joined I've gone from a job I hated to one I love & passionate about.
I'm thriving & set for another promotion after I have worked my arse off & I'm so damn proud of myself.
I have dropped the feeling of guilt I used to hold for creating good things in my life & now celebrate my wins.
I find joy in giving out appreciation & doing nice things for others, because it makes me feel good. I now have a new found ambition for life, to do better, be better... I'm happy & find that most of the time my heart feels full 💚
Thank you for being there to so me how I could transform my life x